The Possible vs. The Impossible

The Possible vs. The Impossible

The Possible vs. The Impossible: An interesting point opened up today regarding “what is possible and what is impossible”. I’ve time and time again been faced with people saying to me “trying to help people, let alone humanity and change this world – is impossible”. 

Honestly, yes – I in such moments felt despair, because at the time, there were more people seeing through the eyes of what is impossible than looking through the eyes of the potential of what is possible.
During this time my thoughts and experiences also ‘leaned’ towards the impossible…going into this experience of having to ‘fight’ for ‘what is possible’, the ‘potential’ of myself, others, humanity and this world. So, the more and more I was exposed to others seeing through the eyes of the impossible, the more an inner conflict ensued within me between the impossible and the possible…until I realised something: that this is what ALL of us / the MAJORITY of humanity are doing. We keep on accepting and allowing ourselves to see through the eyes of the IMPOSSIBLE and any ONE or the few who may see / advocate / create ideas, inventions that would make change possible for individuals, the collective and the earth as a whole – they are oftentimes scolded, repressed, judged, condemned and facing much ridicule. 

Yet, if such individuals who tend to look through the eyes of the impossible, would for a moment take a breath and look through the eyes of the POTENTIAL of what is POSSIBLE and start a process of being part of the solution for individuals, the collective, the earth as a whole…we’ll slowly but surely, one by one, step by step start LAYING THE FOUNDATION for change in this world.

I realised that many tend to look at life on earth, humanity RIGHT NOW and say “it’s IMPOSSIBLE to even TRY and do anything”. When, what I am looking is the following: I do not know what may come to pass in this lifetime, but what is CERTAIN is that what I do, each day, is a little brick I lay down that will form part of a FOUNDATION for CHANGE that is being built. 
Change is a PROCESS. Change takes TIME. If I spent this lifetime through the eyes of the IMPOSSIBLE I would contribute to the IMPOSSIBLE and keep things as they are or only to become worse for the generations to come. However, whatever little or much I can do in this lifetime to contribute to the POTENTIAL of what is POSSIBLE for individuals, the collective and life on earth: I will do and am doing. Because, again – I now know and understand that: the POTENTIAL, the POSSIBLE I have seen within myself and others will only come to be, will only come to manifest if I, as them, bring it into creation and this cannot happen as long as I focus on the IMPOSSIBLE / looking through the eyes of the impossible. 

So, people can continue saying: “it’s Impossible”, but I do not take it personally anymore. I only realise: “okay, you’re still looking through the eyes of the impossible, but I will continue, each day, laying the bricks for the foundation of change to come – not necessarily in this lifetime, but for the generations to come in the future”.


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