Absolutism vs. Self Trust
Absolutism vs. Self Trust The video below is an expansion on the following post: Absolutism and Self Trust: I’ve always looked at change in a way of perceiving it as a constant in the sense of “if / when change comes – whatever it may be, good or bad, I’ll be able to handle it”. When I’ve come to realise that in life – one cannot make such absolute statements. If you could predict your own future to the extent of being able to beforehand know EXACTLY what is going to happen with changes unfolding in your life, everything and everyone that will be involved and who you’ll be within it all, while at the same time being able to prepare yourself to handle it as best possible: then yes, you can make such absolute statements when it comes to life. But, even then, with predicting your own future, seeing it play out and preparing yourself for what is to come: there are MANY things that can play out differently in so many ways… The point here is that: you can want to pr...